Saturday, April 9, 2011

Would You Rather...?

In January, my ward went down on a Youth Retreat. Bishop brought a fun game called Would You Rather...? It was quite interesting to see everybody's choices. To have some fun on this bloggity blog, I'm going to "host" would you rather...? questions. Sound good? K, deal. This is the first would you rather...? question! Woot woot!! :) Here goes...

Would You Rather...?
...have and alligator outside your door?


...stand a foot away from an alligator?

(so the idea is, to post your comment, which i hope you all do...please?:))

My answer:
...alligator at my door.

My reason being: could lock your dang door...and call the animal po pos.


  1. Have an Alligator outside my door. Although last summer we were in Georgia and went to the Okefenokee swamp and saw TONS of alligators and got within feet from them, and our guide said that Alligators are not aggressive! That they are probably more afraid of us than we are of them! But I still think the safer bet would be to have one outside your door, because like you said you can lock your door!

  2. Wow! Thats really neat! I had no idea that they weren't harmless, I guess their looks fear me!! Haha!! :)
